Program Info
Offering Three Programs for Ages 4 - 16
Bellevue National Little League offers programs through the spring, summer, fall and winter (indoor clinics & camps).
Our Programs
Bellevue National Little League (BNLL) is one of 14 leagues that make up District 9 Little League in the State of Washington.
We serve approximately 700 kids in the East and South Bellevue areas each season.
We offer several age- and skill-appropriate tee ball, coach/machine pitch, and player pitch baseball and softball programs.
Often at higher levels (age 9 and above), BNLL baseball teams in various divisions will join with one of the other leagues in District 9 to play regular season games throughout the season. This increases the exposure of our players to other players around the area, and also means that our teams will play teams in other leagues' territory. We generally join only with a close league, which recently has been Bellevue West, so travel to the other leagues' fields is very easy.

We can ALWAYS use good help! If you'd like to manage or help coach a team, umpire, or even just do scorekeeping please indicate this during the registration process.
You'll also need to fill out a Little League Volunteer Application form, which can be found in the Forms section.
Questions? E-mail